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Virtual Materiality

This Is Research
Painted textures - their imperfections, clumps and marks, function as an entropic disruption to the coded digital realm. This research considers the impact of virtual reality on contemporary abstract painting by exploring relationships between physical materiality and digital simulations. Age-old oil painting methods, including melted wax or crushed linseed oil, are imported into 3D digital software. The work is contextualized within the critical contemporaneity of abstract painting, looking at Expanded Painting through immersive technology as a method of hybridity and expansion.

Capturing Volumetric Video Content for Studio Arts

Volumetric Video Tests
Research Initiative: Testing paint materiality in volumetric video captures

Capture on Depthkit on Campus
location: 100 McCaul St, Toronto

Volumetric Video : Painting Materiality Research & Testing
Capture 1 - OCADU

Depthkit Capture 2
Point Cloud
+ 12 Depthkit cameras
Cinespace Location

Unity Integration
Soar ; Ontario Tech
Depthkit ; OCAD U
Depthkit ; Cinespace

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